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EAU D'ORANGE VERTE by Hermes Eau De Toilette Spray Concentre (Unisex) for Men

EAU D'ORANGE VERTE by Hermes Eau De Toilette Spray Concentre (Unisex) for Men

Brand: Hermes

SKU: 441255

Stock: 500
441255 HermesEau D?orange Verte by Hermes is great cologne for men looking for a fragrance that has roots in tradition but still offers something completely modern. It was created in 1979, and there are several inspirations behind it. The primary notes within it are citrus touches with orange coming to the forefront.

CAD $152.89 12/28/2025 New In stock! Order now!

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Information: HermesEau D?orange Verte by Hermes is great cologne for men looking for a fragrance that has roots in tradition but still offers something completely modern. It was created in 1979, and there are several inspirations behind it. The primary notes within it are citrus touches with orange coming to the forefront.

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